Today: Sunday 16 Feb 2025
Closing Date : Monday 09 Dec 2024


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Best Author Award FIAP light Blue Badge, Diana CHAN, EFIAP - MPSA, Hong Kong

World in Focus  Section

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FIAP Gold MedalJill LamWinter in HamnoyCanada/ Markham
FPC Gold MedalLing Jyi ChaoKS 03Taiwan/ Taichung
FPC Silver MedalAmin MalekzadehDubai NightIran/ Shiraz
FPC Bronze MedalMajid Jarrahiunder the flagIran/ Yazd
FIAP RibbonYasin Ghasemi BojdAzadiIran/ Zahedan
FIAP RibbonMahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)namaz AshoraIran/ Mashhad
e-Honorable MentionBahareh AttariWedding RitualsIran/ Mashhad
e-Honorable MentionViren BhatiaDowntown At DawnUnited Arab Emirates/ Dubai
e-Honorable MentionDiana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Ancient TownHong Kong/ Hong Kong
e-Honorable MentionLoizos Economides (EFIAP)Istanbul by nightCyprus/ Nicosia
e-Honorable MentionDino HadzidervisagicDarwinBosnia and Herzegovina/ Ilidza
e-Honorable MentionTorhild Hyllseth (AFIAP)Mont Saint MichelNorway/ Gransherad
e-Honorable MentionKrisztian KovacsPraha bulbHungary/ Dunaújváros
e-Honorable MentionZoran Makarovic (EFIAP/d1)Snowy storm in the streetCroatia/ Osijek
e-Honorable MentionSerge MurschelTower BridgeFrance/ Villers-Cotterets
e-Honorable MentionCatherine MurschelErasmus BridgeFrance/ Villers Cotterets
e-Honorable MentionGoutam Pal (EFIAP)RyhthmicIndia/ Kolkata
e-Honorable MentionTamas PetoczHeiligenblutHungary/ Pecs
e-Honorable MentionAlireza Pourkhan (EFIAP - PPSA)misty morningUnited Arab Emirates/ Dubai
e-Honorable MentionLeszja SzmolankaTuscany wonderHungary/ Budapest


Adit Agarwala (EFIAP/p)WOMEN COOPERATIVE FISHINGIndia/ Ghaziabad
Ken Ang (AFIAP - PPSA)Early morning walkSingapore/ Singapore
Ken Ang (AFIAP - PPSA)Pigeon WardenSingapore/ Singapore
Mehdi AshnadostTaj MahalIran/ Tehran
Mehdi AshnadostPersian architectureIran/ Tehran
Bahareh AttariSpiritual MomentsIran/ Mashhad
Bahareh AttariWedding Rituals (e-Honorable Mention)Iran/ Mashhad
Ebrahim Bahrami (EFIAP/b)Mystical danceIran/ Mashad
Viren BhatiaThe City of RuinsUnited Arab Emirates/ Dubai
Viren BhatiaDowntown At Dawn (e-Honorable Mention)United Arab Emirates/ Dubai
Gottfried Catania (AFIAP - EPSA)Bled Castle 2Malta/ Siggiewi
Gottfried Catania (AFIAP - EPSA)Lake Bled View 7Malta/ Siggiewi
Gottfried Catania (AFIAP - EPSA)City of Arts and Sciences 20Malta/ Siggiewi
Eric Causse (EFIAP/s - PPSA)Carriole 7France/ Sabran
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Blue magicHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Phuket Vegetarian Festival 03Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Peru Machu PicchuHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Ancient Town (e-Honorable Mention)Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Ling Jyi ChaoKS 03 (FPC Gold Medal)Taiwan/ Taichung
Ling Jyi ChaoKing Ship 3Taiwan/ Taichung
Ward Conaway (EFIAP)Rain Shower CienfuegosUSA/ Edmond
Loizos Economides (EFIAP)In the busCyprus/ Nicosia
Loizos Economides (EFIAP)Istanbul by night (e-Honorable Mention)Cyprus/ Nicosia
Fikriye Er (EFIAP/s)historical bathTurkey/ Maltepe-Istanbul
Zahra Forqaniy (AFIAP)consonantIran/ Mashhad
Ata Gencer (EFIAP)Machu PicchuTurkey/ Atasehır
Ata Gencer (EFIAP)Rum kaleTurkey/ Atasehır
Yasin Ghasemi BojdAzadi (FIAP Ribbon)Iran/ Zahedan
Mehmet Gokyigit (EFIAP/d2)thermal springCyprus/ Nicosia
Kinga Gyenti Kalvin (AFIAP)Foggy MorningHungary/ Erd
Kinga Gyenti Kalvin (AFIAP)Lago AntornoHungary/ Erd
Dino HadzidervisagicDarwin (e-Honorable Mention)Bosnia and Herzegovina/ Ilidza
Dino HadzidervisagicMillennium EyeBosnia and Herzegovina/ Ilidza
Dino HadzidervisagicSebiljBosnia and Herzegovina/ Ilidza
Hung Ho (EFIAP - EPSA)0337EiffelParisUSA/ Fountain Valley
Torhild Hyllseth (AFIAP)Heddal stavechurchNorway/ Gransherad
Torhild Hyllseth (AFIAP)Mont Saint Michel (e-Honorable Mention)Norway/ Gransherad
Majid JarrahiImam Hussain's mourningIran/ Yazd
Majid JarrahiRegardless of the fussIran/ Yazd
Majid Jarrahiunder the flag (FPC Bronze Medal)Iran/ Yazd
Vajihe Kasebmojavertop of istanbulIran/ Mashhad
Istvan Kerekes (EFIAP/d3)Life in BacklightHungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
Ozgur Kilicarslan (AFIAP)semaTurkey/ Konya
Timea KissModern ViennaHungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
David Kissman (EFIAP)San Francisco Tram RideEngland/ Nottingham
Krisztian KovacsBledHungary/ Dunaújváros
Krisztian KovacsPraha bulb (e-Honorable Mention)Hungary/ Dunaújváros
Jill LamCaribbean Parade 17Canada/ Markham
Jill LamWinter in Hamnoy (FIAP Gold Medal)Canada/ Markham
Tzu Chiang LeeTwilight at Folk VillageTaiwan/ Kaohsiung
Tzu Chiang LeeAt an autumn morningTaiwan/ Kaohsiung
Tzu Chiang LeeSunset at great wallTaiwan/ Kaohsiung
Zoran Makarovic (EFIAP/d1)Snowy storm in the street 2Croatia/ Osijek
Zoran Makarovic (EFIAP/d1)Snowy storm in the street (e-Honorable Mention)Croatia/ Osijek
Amin MalekzadehSheikh zayed grand mosqueIran/ Shiraz
Amin MalekzadehDubai Night (FPC Silver Medal)Iran/ Shiraz
Serge MurschelErasmus BridgeFrance/ Villers-Cotterets
Catherine MurschelTower BridgeFrance/ Villers Cotterets
Catherine MurschelCovent GardenFrance/ Villers Cotterets
Serge MurschelTower Bridge (e-Honorable Mention)France/ Villers-Cotterets
Catherine MurschelErasmus Bridge (e-Honorable Mention)France/ Villers Cotterets
Amir Ali Navadeh Shahla (EFIAP)Historical bathIran/ Tabriz
Hamidreza NazariUpside downIran/ Mashhad
Goutam Pal (EFIAP)Fast FoodIndia/ Kolkata
Goutam Pal (EFIAP)IftarIndia/ Kolkata
Goutam Pal (EFIAP)Ryhthmic (e-Honorable Mention)India/ Kolkata
Tamas PetoczBetween mountainsHungary/ Pecs
Tamas PetoczCloudy chapelHungary/ Pecs
Tamas PetoczHeiligenblut (e-Honorable Mention)Hungary/ Pecs
Mohammad Reza Pourianlate night meetingIran/ Tehran
Alireza Pourkhan (EFIAP - PPSA)Lovely LivelyUnited Arab Emirates/ Dubai
Alireza Pourkhan (EFIAP - PPSA)misty morning (e-Honorable Mention)United Arab Emirates/ Dubai
Peter Roupas (AFIAP)Fields Of BuddhaAustralia/ Wurdiboluc
Ajar Setiadi (EFIAP/b - MPSA)Dubai TownIndonesia/ Bogor
Ajar Setiadi (EFIAP/b - MPSA)Part of Dubay City 7Indonesia/ Bogor
Marzeyeh Shahroodihorse riderIran/ Mashhad
Marzeyeh ShahroodiBand of musiciansIran/ Mashhad
Marzeyeh Shahroodithe dancerIran/ Mashhad
Leszja SzmolankaHEARTchitectureHungary/ Budapest
Leszja SzmolankaEmergingHungary/ Budapest
Leszja SzmolankaTuscany wonder (e-Honorable Mention)Hungary/ Budapest
Nguyen Xuan Tuyen (AFIAP)Cai Rang floating marketVietnam/ Quy Nhon
Alexandre Vajaianu (EFIAP/p)MONT SAINT MICHEL 2France/ Meximieux
Yu WuHappy Life of CubanAustralia/ Balwyn
Mahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)free worldIran/ Mashhad
Mahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)Indian modelIran/ Mashhad
Mahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)namaz Ashora (FIAP Ribbon)Iran/ Mashhad