Today: Sunday 16 Feb 2025
Closing Date : Monday 09 Dec 2024


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Best Author Award FIAP light Blue Badge, Diana CHAN, EFIAP - MPSA, Hong Kong

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FIAP Gold MedalMajid JarrahisoldierIran/ Yazd
FPC Gold MedalZhong An YuThe Realm of CurvesChina/ Jinhua City
FPC Silver MedalJean Jacques Grethen (EFIAP)Fanny 01Luxembourg/ Beyren
FPC Bronze MedalYu WuTimeless MajestyAustralia/ Balwyn
FIAP RibbonAmin MalekzadehDubaiIran/ Shiraz
FIAP RibbonShirkoo MamaghaHand of creationIran/ Bukan
e-Honorable MentionJesse CasonLittle owl in the rainEngland/ Stroud
e-Honorable MentionGottfried Catania (AFIAP - EPSA)Canary Wharf EscalatorsMalta/ Siggiewi
e-Honorable MentionDiana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Happy Diao Sheep 23Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
e-Honorable MentionMehmet Gokyigit (EFIAP/d2)soap operaCyprus/ Nicosia
e-Honorable MentionSaeed Hadipoor Tofighiasre yeylaghIran/ Tehran
e-Honorable MentionWerner Halbauer (EFIAP)ChurchyardAustria/ Koettlach
e-Honorable MentionIstvan Kerekes (EFIAP/d3)Shepherd girlHungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
e-Honorable MentionOzgur Kilicarslan (AFIAP)hotTurkey/ Konya
e-Honorable MentionZoran Makarovic (EFIAP/d1)At the friendCroatia/ Osijek
e-Honorable MentionHamzeh MomenimadvardepthIran/ Shahrebabk
e-Honorable MentionVolker SchuhmacherStaircaseGermany/ Offenbach Am Main
e-Honorable MentionLeszja SzmolankaJumpHungary/ Budapest
e-Honorable MentionNguyen Xuan Tuyen (AFIAP)The way to homeVietnam/ Quy Nhon
e-Honorable MentionMahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)deep sleepIran/ Mashhad


Susan AnawaltRamp resize 0USA/ Seattle
Ken Ang (AFIAP - PPSA)ClockworkSingapore/ Singapore
Ken Ang (AFIAP - PPSA)Sitting ChiefSingapore/ Singapore
Joerg Asmus (AFIAP)VisitorSweden/ Kalmar
Joerg Asmus (AFIAP)HelloSweden/ Kalmar
Bahareh AttariHidden SecretIran/ Mashhad
Bahareh AttariExhausting WorkIran/ Mashhad
Bahareh AttariGazeIran/ Mashhad
Philippe Aubrun (EFIAP)ClaudeFrance/ Le Haillan
Hoda BarakatBond Beyond GenerationsIran/ Mashhad
Hoda BarakatGracefull LookIran/ Mashhad
Jos Bartholme (AFIAP)FANNY 5Luxembourg/ Belvaux
Viren BhatiaThe Concrete JungleUnited Arab Emirates/ Dubai
David Bray (AFIAP)The Engine ArrangersEngland/ Rugby
David Bray (AFIAP)The Lancaster BoysEngland/ Rugby
Antonino Caldarella (AFIAP)El CastagnattItaly/ Dolzago
Rucsandra Calin (EFIAP/p)Romanian beauty in folk costumeRomania/ Craiova
Nan Carder (EFIAP/g - Hon PSA - GMPSA)Egret 8233USA/ Lancaster
Jesse CasonLittle owl in the rain (e-Honorable Mention)England/ Stroud
Gottfried Catania (AFIAP - EPSA)Starship corridorMalta/ Siggiewi
Gottfried Catania (AFIAP - EPSA)Canary Wharf Escalators (e-Honorable Mention)Malta/ Siggiewi
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Happy Diao Sheep 23 (e-Honorable Mention)Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Motor cycle RaceHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Smoking at Tea house 03Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Circular StairsHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Ling Jyi ChaoBallet 2Taiwan/ Taichung
Ling Jyi ChaoKenya 19Taiwan/ Taichung
Ling Jyi ChaoMiner 16Taiwan/ Taichung
Kornelia Dakovic SvajcerBalconiesSerbia/ Sremska Kamenica
Loizos Economides (EFIAP)Two staircasesCyprus/ Nicosia
Ian English (EFIAP/p - MPSA)ChairwomanAustralia/ Kilaben Bay
Jeff EvansAftwe the Storm jpegWales/ Maesteg
Sanaz Fard EsfahanimirageIran/ Esfahan
Zahra Forqaniy (AFIAP)PleaseIran/ Mashhad
Ata Gencer (EFIAP)Adobe housesTurkey/ Atasehır
Mehmet Gokyigit (EFIAP/d2)talentedCyprus/ Nicosia
Mehmet Gokyigit (EFIAP/d2)traces of lightCyprus/ Nicosia
Mehmet Gokyigit (EFIAP/d2)soap opera (e-Honorable Mention)Cyprus/ Nicosia
Jean Jacques Grethen (EFIAP)Fanny 01 (FPC Silver Medal)Luxembourg/ Beyren
Saeed Hadipoor Tofighiasre yeylagh (e-Honorable Mention)Iran/ Tehran
Saeed Hadipoor TofighientezarIran/ Tehran
Dino HadzidervisagicCoordinate SystemBosnia and Herzegovina/ Ilidza
Dino HadzidervisagicThe Top of the TowerBosnia and Herzegovina/ Ilidza
Werner Halbauer (EFIAP)Churchyard (e-Honorable Mention)Austria/ Koettlach
Werner Halbauer (EFIAP)Moench im WandelgangAustria/ Koettlach
Ata Hassanzadeh DastforoushAn EggIran/ Urmia
Ata Hassanzadeh DastforoushSwan LoveIran/ Urmia
Kirsten HyldagerThe stairsDenmark/ Frederikssund
Torhild Hyllseth (AFIAP)Sheep in the northNorway/ Gransherad
Torhild Hyllseth (AFIAP)Winding roadNorway/ Gransherad
Majid JarrahiWorkerIran/ Yazd
Majid Jarrahisoldier (FIAP Gold Medal)Iran/ Yazd
Istvan Kerekes (EFIAP/d3)Shepherd girl (e-Honorable Mention)Hungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
Istvan Kerekes (EFIAP/d3)Silvia 105 year oldHungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
Istvan Kerekes (EFIAP/d3)Shepherd and dogHungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
Istvan Kerekes (EFIAP/d3)Gipsy chieftainsHungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
Ozgur Kilicarslan (AFIAP)friendsTurkey/ Konya
Ozgur Kilicarslan (AFIAP)hot (e-Honorable Mention)Turkey/ Konya
Timea KissClickHungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
Jill LamSynchronized skating 16Canada/ Markham
Jill LamWheelchair Rugby 11Canada/ Markham
Tzu Chiang LeeOwl flying to meTaiwan/ Kaohsiung
Tzu Chiang LeeHappy childhoodTaiwan/ Kaohsiung
Pardis MaalekiSufi FlyIran/ Shahin Shahr
Pardis Maalekialone in the desertIran/ Shahin Shahr
Pardis MaalekiFriendlyIran/ Shahin Shahr
Alexander Makarov (EFIAP/b)Little Man 3Israel/ Netanya
Zoran Makarovic (EFIAP/d1)WorriesCroatia/ Osijek
Zoran Makarovic (EFIAP/d1)Man from Bilye 8Croatia/ Osijek
Zoran Makarovic (EFIAP/d1)At the friend (e-Honorable Mention)Croatia/ Osijek
Amin MalekzadehDubai (FIAP Ribbon)Iran/ Shiraz
Amin MalekzadehMasjed VakilIran/ Shiraz
Amin MalekzadehMuseum of the futureIran/ Shiraz
Shirkoo MamaghaHand of creation (FIAP Ribbon)Iran/ Bukan
Fatemeh MoeinifarAzadi TowerIran/ Ahwaz
Hamzeh Momenimadvardepth (e-Honorable Mention)Iran/ Shahrebabk
Adrian Moore (EFIAP)around the buoyEngland/ Tamworth
Andreas MorawaPodersdorf mit Moewen 8579Austria/ Ternitz
Andreas MorawaSchwaene 9160Austria/ Ternitz
Catherine MurschelSkyscraperFrance/ Villers Cotterets
Serge MurschelFin de journee de reveFrance/ Villers-Cotterets
Amir Ali Navadeh Shahla (EFIAP)violonIran/ Tabriz
Mehrdad OskoueiGenerations EntwinedIran/ Tehran
Goutam Pal (EFIAP)AnnieIndia/ Kolkata
Goutam Pal (EFIAP)Dreams in her eyesIndia/ Kolkata
Goutam Pal (EFIAP)Waiting forIndia/ Kolkata
Mohammad Reza PourianDanser in the windIran/ Tehran
Omid Reza Pournabi (EFIAP)Prayer1Iran/ Bushehr
Seyed Mojtaba Sadighiflight storyIran/ Babolsar
Volker SchuhmacherStaircase (e-Honorable Mention)Germany/ Offenbach Am Main
Volker SchuhmacherBicyclesGermany/ Offenbach Am Main
Krisztian SeinerSakk MattHungary/ Budapest
Ajar Setiadi (EFIAP/b - MPSA)PendetaIndonesia/ Bogor
Ajar Setiadi (EFIAP/b - MPSA)potrait 33Indonesia/ Bogor
Ajar Setiadi (EFIAP/b - MPSA)Hanging on 2Indonesia/ Bogor
Marzeyeh Shahroodiold manIran/ Mashhad
Mahyar SoleimaniA day in the life of a fishermanIran/ Bandar Anzali
Mahyar SoleimanistringIran/ Bandar Anzali
Jane Sun (HonEFIAP - MPSA)The GiantTaiwan/ Taichung
Jacek SzczerbaniewiczThree facesPoland/ Jelenia Gora
Leszja SzmolankaShy actHungary/ Budapest
Leszja SzmolankaJump (e-Honorable Mention)Hungary/ Budapest
Nguyen Xuan Tuyen (AFIAP)Nghe lam tuong banVietnam/ Quy Nhon
Nguyen Xuan Tuyen (AFIAP)The way to home (e-Honorable Mention)Vietnam/ Quy Nhon
Jennifer Margaret Webster (EFIAP - EPSA)Crafty WolvesEngland/ Worcester
Yu WuUnyielding RodeoAustralia/ Balwyn
Yu WuWhispering of TreesAustralia/ Balwyn
Yu WuTimeless Majesty (FPC Bronze Medal)Australia/ Balwyn
Zhong An YuThe Realm of Curves (FPC Gold Medal)China/ Jinhua City
Zhong An YuFocusedChina/ Jinhua City
Zhong An YuThe Pinnacle of ArchitectureChina/ Jinhua City
Zhong An YuShine upon each otherChina/ Jinhua City
Mahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)Hungry boyIran/ Mashhad
Mahdi Zabolabbasi (EFIAP/s)deep sleep (e-Honorable Mention)Iran/ Mashhad