Today: Sunday 16 Feb 2025
Closing Date : Monday 09 Dec 2024


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Best Author Award FIAP light Blue Badge, Ching Ching CHAN, EFIAP - MPSA, Hong Kong

Best Club eHM: Lake Mac International Group, Australia

Nature (ND) Section

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FIAP Gold MedalMin LiRun After 1China/ Fuzhou
PSA Gold MedalDiana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Tender care 08Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
FIAP RibbonRobert HolgateFighting BuzzardsEngland/ Stevenage
FIAP RibbonNguyen Xuan Tuyen (AFIAP)Co Thach mua reuVietnam/ Quy Nhon
Salon.Photo Silver MedalPeter Chi Ho LauStellar Eagles Chasing 01Canada/ Richmond Hill
Salon.Photo Bronze MedalAleksandr SinelnikovSightUkraine/ Odessa
e-Honorable MentionTamas AranyossyCourting danceHungary/ Esztergom
e-Honorable MentionBorislav BlagojevicFinal ApproachSerbia/ Belgrade
e-Honorable MentionSusan Carter (AFIAP)Sika DeerWales/ Monmouth
e-Honorable MentionMahdi Eshaghi Ghalibaf (EFIAP)The secret of flowersIran/ Mashhad
e-Honorable MentionMohammad Esteki (EFIAP)sand foxIran/ Isfahan
e-Honorable MentionGiorgio FormentiThe Gift 03 SItaly/ Cabiate
e-Honorable MentionHung Ho (EFIAP - EPSA)0136AConvictLakeUSA/ Fountain Valley
e-Honorable MentionLinlin Huangblue magpie DTaiwan/ New Taipei City
e-Honorable MentionMin Cheol Kim (Hon PSA)I'm eatingSouth Korea/ Daejeon, Korea
e-Honorable MentionCraig Lauder (AFIAP)Cape CanaryCanada/ Toronto
e-Honorable MentionAlexandre Loncke (AFIAP)L offrandeBelgium/ Estaimpuis
e-Honorable MentionBob ThomasTensions RiseEngland/ Bristol
e-Honorable MentionAlexandre Vajaianu (EFIAP/p)PAPILLONFrance/ Meximieux
e-Honorable MentionMandy VienPolar bears sparring bites 4834Canada/ Markham


Faraz AhaninLines In The DesertIran/ Astara
Faraz AhaninHopeIran/ Astara
Fabrizio AleottiThe gangItaly/ Rho
Fabrizio AleottiThe giftItaly/ Rho
Abbas Alkhamis (EFIAP/d1 - MPSA)Deep seaSaudi Arabia/ Alqatif/Aljesh
Tamas AranyossyRespectable headdressHungary/ Esztergom
Tamas AranyossyCourting dance (e-Honorable Mention)Hungary/ Esztergom
Mohammad Ataei MohammadyhiddenIran/ Azadshahr
Peter Balantic (EFIAP)Dinner time 1Slovenia/ Trzic
Peter Balantic (EFIAP)FlySlovenia/ Trzic
Peter Balantic (EFIAP)Little duckSlovenia/ Trzic
Punyabrata BarmaSurveillanceIndia/ East Udayrajpur, Madhyamgram
Punyabrata BarmaSunbird on PerchIndia/ East Udayrajpur, Madhyamgram
Borislav BlagojevicFinal Approach (e-Honorable Mention)Serbia/ Belgrade
Borislav BlagojevicJonathan LivingstonSerbia/ Belgrade
Borislav BlagojevicHardworkerSerbia/ Belgrade
Susan Carter (AFIAP)Frightened Bear cubsWales/ Monmouth
Susan Carter (AFIAP)Two BrothersWales/ Monmouth
Susan Carter (AFIAP)Sika Deer (e-Honorable Mention)Wales/ Monmouth
Gottfried Catania (AFIAP - EPSA)Chameleon and SnailMalta/ Siggiewi
Gottfried Catania (AFIAP - EPSA)Meerkats on the alertMalta/ Siggiewi
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Tender care 08 (PSA Gold Medal)Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Aiming 1Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Me firstHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Meeting in the rainHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Ching Ching Chan (EFIAP/g - MPSA)Epic Fish FrenzyHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Ching Ching Chan (EFIAP/g - MPSA)No Mercy 02Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Ching Ching Chan (EFIAP/g - MPSA)Tango In The SnowHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Emma DaviesBest Foot ForwardEngland/ Lydney
Hosein Davoodi (AFIAP)dragonfly lookIran/ Jolfa
Rita England (EFIAP)Cant Catch MeAustralia/ Rathmines
Ian English (EFIAP/p - MPSA)White faced Heron strange catchAustralia/ Kilaben Bay
Mahdi Eshaghi Ghalibaf (EFIAP)The secret of flowers (e-Honorable Mention)Iran/ Mashhad
Jose Alfredo Estefania Flano (EFIAP/p)MACAON SOBRE FLORSpain/ Logrono
Mohammad Esteki (EFIAP)sand fox (e-Honorable Mention)Iran/ Isfahan
Vilmos Feher (AFIAP)Before it leaveHungary/ Baja
Giorgio FormentiFREEDOMItaly/ Cabiate
Giorgio FormentiThe Gift 03 S (e-Honorable Mention)Italy/ Cabiate
Wolfgang Habringer (AFIAP)Gaensegeier 96Austria/ Schwanenstadt
Wolfgang Habringer (AFIAP)Kangaroos 73Austria/ Schwanenstadt
Yunsheng HeBabyChina/ Guangzhou
Yunsheng HeFlying with wingsChina/ Guangzhou
Andreas HerrmannMaking circlesSwitzerland/ Arzier - Le Muids
Hung Ho (EFIAP - EPSA)5375ATheWaveUSA/ Fountain Valley
Hung Ho (EFIAP - EPSA)0136AConvictLake (e-Honorable Mention)USA/ Fountain Valley
Robert HolgateFighting Buzzards (FIAP Ribbon)England/ Stevenage
Robert HolgatePuffin with Sand EelsEngland/ Stevenage
Linlin Huangeating fish ETaiwan/ New Taipei City
Linlin Huangblue magpie D (e-Honorable Mention)Taiwan/ New Taipei City
Zsuzsanna JaszenakTentaclesHungary/ Fót
Dave Jowitt (EFIAP)Owl AttackWales/ Gwernaffield
Istvan Kerekes (EFIAP/d3)Pelophylax ridibundusHungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
Istvan Kerekes (EFIAP/d3)Sensitive momentHungary/ Mosonmagyarovar
Peter W Kewley (AFIAP)Alert Honeyeater 7220208Australia/ Melbourne
Peter W Kewley (AFIAP)Feed UsAustralia/ Melbourne
Min Cheol Kim (Hon PSA)Wing LightSouth Korea/ Daejeon, Korea
Min Cheol Kim (Hon PSA)I'm eating (e-Honorable Mention)South Korea/ Daejeon, Korea
Peter Chi Ho LauStellar Eagles Chasing 01 (Salon.Photo Silver Medal)Canada/ Richmond Hill
Peter Chi Ho LauStellar Eagles Kick 02Canada/ Richmond Hill
Peter Chi Ho LauTerns Bring Food Home 10Canada/ Richmond Hill
Craig Lauder (AFIAP)Cape Canary (e-Honorable Mention)Canada/ Toronto
Min LiRun After 1 (FIAP Gold Medal)China/ Fuzhou
Min LiAccompany4China/ Fuzhou
Min LiBeasts in Natural World 6China/ Fuzhou
Alexandre Loncke (AFIAP)A maree basseBelgium/ Estaimpuis
Alexandre Loncke (AFIAP)Saint EspritBelgium/ Estaimpuis
Alexandre Loncke (AFIAP)L offrande (e-Honorable Mention)Belgium/ Estaimpuis
Francisco Jose Lopez FernandezDRAGONFLY COUPLESpain/ Sevilla
Sambuco MassimoOcchiocottoItaly/ Sanremo
Alex McnaughtonLunch deliveryScotland/ Beith
Krzysztof Muskalski (EFIAP/s)Dreamy facePoland/ Czestochowa
Krzysztof Muskalski (EFIAP/s)Ice KingPoland/ Czestochowa
Amir Ali Navadeh Shahla (EFIAP)dragonflyIran/ Tabriz
Peter John Obrien (AFIAP)Dont Mess With MeAustralia/ Castle Hill
Nataliia PonikarovaFox and sunriceSpain/ Gijon
Nataliia PonikarovaI hear a mouseSpain/ Gijon
Ovi D. Pop (EFIAP/g - EPSA)Bird fight 02Romania/ Oradea
Antonio Duilio Puosi (AFIAP)VanessaItaly/ Massarosa
Antonio Duilio Puosi (AFIAP)Macaone su lavandaItaly/ Massarosa
Antonio Duilio Puosi (AFIAP)MacaoneItaly/ Massarosa
Andrew RaguseThe OspreyAustralia/ Highfields
Pavel RebandUnderwaterEstonia/ Keila
Pavel RebandBaltic sea sun setEstonia/ Keila
Ali Samei (EFIAP/g - MFIAP - ESFIAP)AlagolIran/ Tehran
Johann Schrittwieser (EFIAP/p)MahlzeitAustria/ Zelking
Aleksandr SinelnikovEvening on the oceanUkraine/ Odessa
Aleksandr SinelnikovKingdom of sunflowerUkraine/ Odessa
Aleksandr SinelnikovSight (Salon.Photo Bronze Medal)Ukraine/ Odessa
Yusuf TatliturkKelebek4Turkey/ Istanbul
Bob ThomasKingfisherEngland/ Bristol
Bob ThomasUppercut !England/ Bristol
Bob ThomasTensions Rise (e-Honorable Mention)England/ Bristol
Antonino TrifilettiIN DUE SULLA LAVANDAItaly/ Lavagna Ge
Nguyen Xuan Tuyen (AFIAP)Co Thach mua reu (FIAP Ribbon)Vietnam/ Quy Nhon
Alexandre Vajaianu (EFIAP/p)PAPILLON (e-Honorable Mention)France/ Meximieux
Alexandre Vajaianu (EFIAP/p)SIESTEFrance/ Meximieux
Mandy VienThe happy fish 5385Canada/ Markham
Mandy VienFighting elephantsCanada/ Markham
Mandy VienPolar bears sparring bites 4834 (e-Honorable Mention)Canada/ Markham
Banghwan Yang (AFIAP)Enjoy datingSouth Korea/ Yong In
Banghwan Yang (AFIAP)Delicious honey titmouseSouth Korea/ Yong In